English Composition with Integrated Review

English Composition with Integrated Review encourages students to thoughtfully craft, defend, and polish arguments while offering targeted remediation of foundational reading and writing concepts. Student learning of core composition topics is supported by a contextualized review of study skills, grammar, reading, writing and research.

Through consistent application and real-world connections, students sharpen their existing writing tools while also engaging with new and challenging ideas. Students in the corequisite classroom will learn how to tactfully communicate to a 21st century audience with awareness of purpose, tone, and genre.

Formats: Software, Textbook, Guided Notebook, eBook

Product ISBN
Software + English Composition eBook 978-1-946158-99-4
Software + English Composition eBook + English Composition Textbook 978-1-64277-000-1
Software + Integrated Review Guided Notebook 978-1-64277-051-3

Table of Contents

  1. 0R. Integrated Review: Study Skills
    1. 0R.1 Understanding Different Learning Styles
    2. 0R.2 Determining Your Personal Learning Styles
    3. 0R.3 Stress Management
    4. 0R.4 Keeping Yourself Organized
    5. 0R.5 Time Management
    6. 0R.6 Study Strategies
    7. 0R.7 Test-Taking Strategies
    8. 0R.8 Taking Advantage of Campus Resources
    9. 0R.9 Writing with Technology
    10. Chapter 0R Review
  2. 1R. Integrated Review: Why We Write
    1. 1R.1 Understanding Purpose
  3. 1. Why We Write
    1. 1.1 Writing Situations and Purposes
    2. 1.2 Writing to Respond
    3. 1.3 Writing to Summarize
    4. 1.4 Writing to Propose
    5. 1.5 Writing to Discuss
    6. 1.6 Writing to Describe
    7. 1.7 Writing to Argue
    8. 1.8 Writing to Analyze
    9. 1.9 Writing to Evaluate
  4. 2R. Integrated Review: Modes of Writing
    1. 2R.1 Locating Key Information
    2. 2R.2 Classifying Major and Minor Details
    3. 2R.3 Identifying Organizational Patterns
    4. Chapter 2R Review
  5. 2. Modes of Writing
    1. 2.1 Descriptive Writing
    2. 2.2 Narrative Writing
    3. 2.3 Expository Writing
    4. 2.4 Persuasive Writing
  6. 3R. Integrated Review: The Writing Process
    1. 3R.1 Writing a Paragraph
    2. 3R.2 Writing a First Draft
    3. 3R.3 Refining a Paragraph
    4. 3R.4 Strengthening Sentences
    5. 3R.5 Proofreading Strategies
    6. 3R.6 Finalizing a Paragraph
    7. Chapter 3R Review
  7. 3. The Writing Process
    1. 3.1 Pre-Writing
    2. 3.2 Drafting
    3. 3.3 Revision
    4. 3.4 Peer Review
    5. 3.5 Editing
    6. 3.6 The Final Draft
  8. 4R. Integrated Review: Parts of the Essay
    1. 4R.1 Sorting General and Specific Information
    2. 4R.2 Determining Paragraph Focus
    3. 4R.3 Writing a Topic Sentence
    4. 4R.4 Organizing a Paragraph
    5. 4R.5 Drafting a Paragraph
    6. Chapter 4R Review
  9. 4. Parts of the Essay
    1. 4.1 Common Essay Structures
    2. 4.2 The Introduction
    3. 4.3 Thesis and Purpose Statements
    4. 4.4 Body Paragraphs
    5. 4.5 Transitions
    6. 4.6 The Conclusion
  10. 5R. Integrated Review: Reading Critically
    1. 5R.1 Pre-Reading Strategies
    2. 5R.2 Finding Meaning Through Visuals
    3. 5R.3 Active Reading Strategies
    4. 5R.4 Finding Connections and Patterns
    5. 5R.5 Finding Meaning Through Context
    6. 5R.6 Finding Meaning Through Word Parts
    7. 5R.7 Finding Meaning Through Inference
    8. 5R.8 Types of Main Ideas and Evidence
    9. 5R.9 Identifying Purpose and Tone
    10. Chapter 5R Review
  11. 5. Reading Critically
    1. 5.1 Taking Notes and Annotating Texts
    2. 5.2 Identifying the Main Idea and Supporting Details
    3. 5.3 Identifying Organizational Patterns
    4. 5.4 Understanding Purpose, Audience, and Tone
    5. 5.5 Recognizing Rhetorical Appeals
    6. 5.6 Analyzing Word Choice
    7. 5.7 Understanding the Basics of Logic
    8. 5.8 Recognizing Logical Fallacies
    9. 5.9 Evaluating Evidence
    10. 5.10 Analyzing Visuals
  12. 6R. Integrated Review: Writing Critically
    1. 6R.1 Determining Essay Focus
    2. 6R.2 Writing a Thesis or Purpose Statement
    3. 6R.3 Organizing and Outlining an Argument
    4. 6R.4 Combining Words or Sentences
    5. 6R.5 Emphasizing Words or Phrases
    6. 6R.6 Using Inclusive Language
    7. Chapter 6R Review
  13. 6. Writing Critically
    1. 6.1 Understanding an Argument
    2. 6.2 Considering Purpose and Audience
    3. 6.3 Recognizing Your Constraints
    4. 6.4 Employing Rhetorical Appeals
    5. 6.5 Using Consistent Tone
    6. 6.6 Choosing the Right Words
    7. 6.7 Using Word and Sentence Variety
    8. 6.8 Polishing an Argument
  14. 7R. Integrated Review: Research
    1. 7R.1 Introduction to Research
    2. 7R.2 Tools for Purposeful Research
    3. 7R.3 Organizing the Research Process
    4. 7R.4 Categorizing Sources
    5. Chapter 7R Review
  15. 7. Research
    1. 7.1 Understanding the Research Paper
    2. 7.2 Planning and Tracking Your Research
    3. 7.3 Identifying Different Types of Sources
    4. 7.4 Evaluating the Credibility of Sources
    5. 7.5 Understanding and Avoiding Plagiarism
    6. 7.6 Integrating Sources into Your Writing
    7. 7.7 The Annotated Bibliography
    8. 7.8 Basics of MLA
    9. 7.9 Basics of APA
    10. 7.10 Basics of CMS
    11. 7.11 Basics of CSE
  16. 8R. Integrated Review: Unique Forms of Writing
    1. 8R.1 Considering Style
    2. 8R.2 Considering Visuals
    3. Chapter 8R Review
  17. 8. Unique Forms of Writing
    1. 8.1 Writing Across the Disciplines
    2. 8.2 Visual and Digital Arguments
    3. 8.3 Oral Presentations
    4. 8.4 Etiquette in Social Media
  18. 9R. Integrated Review: Basics of Grammar & Mechanics
    1. 9R.1 Nouns
    2. 9R.2 Pronouns
    3. 9R.3 Basic Verb Types and Tenses
    4. 9R.4 Verb Forms and Functions
    5. 9R.5 Perfect and Progressive Tenses
    6. 9R.6 Adjectives and Adverbs
    7. 9R.7 Prepositions
    8. 9R.8 Clauses and Conjunctions
    9. 9R.9 Using Capitalization and Italics
    10. 9R.10 Using Abbreviations and Numbers
    11. 9R.11 Using Basic Spelling Rules
    12. 9R.12 Spelling Commonly Confused Words
    13. Chapter 9R Review
  19. 9. Basics of Grammar & Mechanics
    1. 9.1 Parts of Speech
    2. 9.2 The Characteristics of a Sentence
    3. 9.3 Using Commas
    4. 9.4 Using Semicolons and Colons
    5. 9.5 Using Quotation Marks, Parentheses, and Brackets
  20. 10R. Integrated Review: Grammatical Sentences
    1. 10R.1 Identifying the Characteristics of Sentences
  21. 10. Grammatical Sentences
    1. 10.1 Common Sentence Errors
    2. 10.2 Using Consistent Subjects and Verbs
    3. 10.3 Using Consistent Pronouns and Antecedents
    4. 10.4 Using Correct Pronoun Reference and Case
    5. 10.5 Correcting Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers
    6. 10.6 Using Active and Passive Voice
    7. 10.7 Maintaining Consistency in Tense and Person
    8. 10.8 Using Parallelism, Coordination, and Subordination
    9. 10.9 Proofreading Sentences for Grammar