Principles of Economics, 2nd Edition
This comprehensive second edition of Principles of Economics introduces students to fundamental economic concepts with a focus on current examples, real-world applications, and updated data. Students are encouraged to start thinking like economists with engaging exercises including Chapter Projects, Group Activities, Reflection Questions, and more.
Second edition enhancements include a new chapter on indifference curves, current information on how the Fed conducts monetary policy post-Great Recession, and updated content about the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global economy. The appendix includes a mathematics review section to target skill gaps in topics such as graphing, equation solving, and area calculations.
Principles of Economics is designed to provide students with a thorough understanding of core economic concepts, equipping them to think critically about the implications of these theories and principles both within a global framework and in their own lives.
Pair with Hawkes Learning's 3-step, mastery-based homework and testing software to encourage genuine competency through interactive step-by-step problem-solving, adaptive remediation, and more.
Student Software
The online learning software provides step-by-step learning, an unlimited number of practice questions and tests, interactive graphing, intelligent feedback for incorrect answers, and assessments to test students' knowledge through problem-solving.
Course Management System
The instructor software offers a comprehensive course management and dynamic reporting system that is flexible for use in any course structure and can be utilized either as a stand-alone system or integrated with other learning management systems.
Test Generator
The easy-to-use test generator provides a robust question bank and question authoring tool to create tests and quizzes that can be printed or administered securely online.
Formats: Software, Textbook, eBook
Product | ISBN |
Software + eBook | 978-1-64277-669-0 |
Software + eBook + Textbook | 978-1-64277-668-3 |
Textbook | 978-1-64277-666-9 |
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Welcome to Economics!
- 1.1 What Is Economics, and Why Is It Important?
- 1.2 Economic Theories, Models, and Systems
- Chapter 1 Review
Chapter 2: Choice in a World of Scarcity
- 2.1 How Individuals Make Choices Based on Their Budget Constraint
- 2.2 The Production Possibilities Frontier and Social Choices
- 2.3 Confronting Objections to the Economic Approach
- Chapter 2 Review
Chapter 3: Demand and Supply
- 3.1 Demand, Supply, and Equilibrium in Markets for Goods and Services
- 3.2 Shifts in Demand and Supply for Goods and Services
- 3.3 Changes in Equilibrium Price and Quantity: The Four-Step Process
- 3.4 Price Ceilings and Price Floors
- 3.5 Demand, Supply, and Efficiency
- Chapter 3 Review
Chapter 4: Labor and Financial Markets
- 4.1 Demand and Supply at Work in Labor Markets
- 4.2 Demand and Supply in Financial Markets
- 4.3 The Market System as an Efficient Mechanism for Information
- Chapter 4 Review
Chapter 5: Elasticity
- 5.1 Price Elasticity of Demand and Price Elasticity of Supply
- 5.2 Polar Cases of Elasticity and Constant Elasticity
- 5.3 Elasticity and Pricing
- 5.4 Elasticity in Areas Other Than Price
- Chapter 5 Review
Chapter 6: Consumer Choices
- 6.1 Consumption Choices
- 6.2 How Changes in Income and Prices Affect Consumption Choices
- 6.3 Behavioral Economics: An Alternative Framework for Consumer Choice
- Chapter 6 Review
Chapter 7: Indifference Curves
- 7.1 Utility-Maximizing with Indifference Curves
- 7.2 Responses to Changes in Income and Prices
- 7.3 Indifference Curves with Labor-Leisure and Intertemporal Choices
- Chapter 7 Review
Chapter 8: Production, Costs, and Industry Structure
- 8.1 Explicit and Implicit Costs, and Accounting and Economic Profit
- 8.2 Production in the Short Run
- 8.3 Costs in the Short Run
- 8.4 Production in the Long Run
- 8.5 Costs in the Long Run
- Chapter 8 Review
Chapter 9: Perfect Competition
- 9.1 Perfect Competition and Why It Matters
- 9.2 How Perfectly Competitive Firms Make Output Decisions
- 9.3 Entry and Exit Decisions in the Long Run
- 9.4 Efficiency in Perfectly Competitive Markets
- Chapter 9 Review
Chapter 10: Monopoly
- 10.1 How Monopolies Form: Barriers to Entry
- 10.2 How a Profit-Maximizing Monopoly Chooses Output and Price
- Chapter 10 Review
Chapter 11: Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly
- 11.1 Monopolistic Competition
- 11.2 Oligopoly
- Chapter 11 Review
Chapter 12: Monopoly and Antitrust Policy
- 12.1 Corporate Mergers
- 12.2 Regulating Anticompetitive Behavior
- 12.3 Regulating Natural Monopolies
- 12.4 The Great Deregulation Experiment
- Chapter 12 Review
Chapter 13: Environmental Protection and Negative Externalities
- 13.1 The Economics of Pollution
- 13.2 Policies to Reduce Pollution
- 13.3 The Benefits and Costs of U.S. Environmental Laws
- 13.4 International Environmental Issues
- 13.5 The Tradeoff between Economic Output and Environmental Protection
- Chapter 13 Review
Chapter 14: Positive Externalities and Public Goods
- 14.1 Why the Private Sector Underinvests in Innovation
- 14.2 How Governments Can Encourage Innovation
- 14.3 Public Goods
- Chapter 14 Review
Chapter 15: Labor Markets and Income
- 15.1 The Theory of Labor Markets
- 15.2 Wages and Employment in an Imperfectly Competitive Labor Market
- 15.3 Market Power on the Supply Side of Labor Markets
- 15.4 Employment Discrimination
- 15.5 Immigration
- Chapter 15 Review
Chapter 16: Poverty and Economic Inequality
- 16.1 Drawing the Poverty Line
- 16.2 The Poverty Trap
- 16.3 The Safety Net
- 16.4 Income Inequality: Measurement and Causes
- 16.5 Government Policies to Reduce Income Inequality
- Chapter 16 Review
Chapter 17: Information, Risk, and Insurance
- 17.1 The Problem of Imperfect Information and Asymmetric Information
- 17.2 Insurance and Imperfect Information
- Chapter 17 Review
Chapter 18: Financial Markets
- 18.1 How Businesses Raise Financial Capital
- 18.2 How Households Supply Financial Capital
- 18.3 How to Accumulate Personal Wealth
- Chapter 18 Review
Chapter 19: Public Economy
- 19.1 Voter Participation and Costs of Elections
- 19.2 Special Interest Politics
- 19.3 Flaws in the Democratic System of Government
- Chapter 19 Review
Chapter 20: The Macroeconomic Perspective
- 20.1 Measuring the Size of the Economy: Gross Domestic Product
- 20.2 Adjusting Nominal Values to Real Values
- 20.3 Comparing GDP among Countries
- 20.4 How Well GDP Measures the Well-Being of Society
- Chapter 20 Review
Chapter 21: Economic Growth
- 21.1 The Relatively Recent Arrival of Economic Growth
- 21.2 Labor Productivity and Economic Growth
- 21.3 Components of Economic Growth
- 21.4 Economic Convergence
- Chapter 21 Review
Chapter 22: Unemployment
- 22.1 How Economists Define and Compute Unemployment Rate
- 22.2 Patterns of Unemployment
- 22.3 What Causes Changes in Unemployment over the Short Run
- 22.4 What Causes Changes in Unemployment over the Long Run
- Chapter 22 Review
Chapter 23: Inflation
- 23.1 Tracking Inflation
- 23.2 How to Measure Changes in the Cost of Living
- 23.3 How the U.S. and Other Countries Experience Inflation
- 23.4 The Confusion over Inflation
- 23.5 Indexing and Its Limitations
- Chapter 23 Review
Chapter 24: The International Trade and Capital Flows
- 24.1 Measuring Trade Balances
- 24.2 Trade Balances and Flows of Financial Capital
- 24.3 The National Saving and Investment Identity
- 24.4 The Pros and Cons of Trade Deficits and Surpluses
- 24.5 The Difference between Level of Trade and the Trade Balance
- Chapter 24 Review
Chapter 25: The Aggregate Demand/Aggregate Supply Model
- 25.1 Building a Model of Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply
- 25.2 Shifts in Aggregate Supply
- 25.3 Shifts in Aggregate Demand
- 25.4 How the AD/AS Model Incorporates Growth, Unemployment, and Inflation
- 25.5 Keynes' Law and Say's Law in the AD/AS Model
- Chapter 25 Review
Chapter 26: The Keynesian Perspective
- 26.1 Aggregate Demand in Keynesian Analysis
- 26.2 The Building Blocks of Keynesian Analysis
- 26.3 The Phillips Curve
- 26.4 Keynesian Policy and the Keynesian Perspective on Market Forces
- Chapter 26 Review
Chapter 27: The Neoclassical Perspective
- 27.1 The Building Blocks of Neoclassical Analysis
- 27.2 The Policy Implications of the Neoclassical Perspective
- 27.3 Balancing Keynesian and Neoclassical Models
- Chapter 27 Review
Chapter 28: Money and Banking
- 28.1 Defining Money by Its Functions
- 28.2 Measuring Money: Currency, M1, and M2
- 28.3 The Role of Banks
- 28.4 How Banks Create Money
- Chapter 28 Review
Chapter 29: Monetary Policy and Bank Regulation
- 29.1 The Federal Reserve Banking System and Central Banks
- 29.2 Bank Regulation
- 29.3 How a Central Bank Executes Monetary Policy
- 29.4 Monetary Policy and Economic Outcomes
- 29.5 Pitfalls for Monetary Policy
- Chapter 29 Review
Chapter 30: Exchange Rates and International Capital Flows
- 30.1 How the Foreign Exchange Market Works
- 30.2 Demand and Supply Shifts in Foreign Exchange Markets
- 30.3 Macroeconomic Effects of Exchange Rates
- 30.4 Exchange Rate Policies
- Chapter 30 Review
Chapter 31: Government Budgets and Fiscal Policy
- 31.1 Government Spending
- 31.2 Taxation
- 31.3 Federal Deficits and the National Debt
- 31.4 Using Fiscal Policy to Fight Recession, Unemployment, and Inflation
- 31.5 Automatic Stabilizers
- 31.6 Practical Problems with Discretionary Fiscal Policy
- 31.7 The Question of a Balanced Budget
- Chapter 31 Review
Chapter 32: The Impacts of Government Borrowing
- 32.1 How Government Borrowing Affects Investment and the Trade Balance
- 32.2 Fiscal Policy and the Trade Balance
- 32.3 How Government Borrowing Affects Private Saving
- 32.4 Fiscal Policy, Investment, and Economic Growth
- Chapter 32 Review
Chapter 33: Macroeconomic Policy around the World
- 33.1 The Diversity of Countries and Economies across the World
- 33.2 Improving Countries' Standards of Living
- 33.3 Causes of Unemployment and Inflation around the World
- 33.4 Balance of Trade Concerns
- Chapter 33 Review
Chapter 34: International Trade
- 34.1 Absolute and Comparative Advantage
- 34.2 What Happens When a Country Has an Absolute Advantage in All Goods
- 34.3 Intra-industry Trade between Similar Economies
- 34.4 The Benefits of Reducing Barriers to International Trade
- Chapter 34 Review
Chapter 35: Globalization and Protectionism
- 35.1 Protectionism: An Indirect Subsidy from Consumers to Producers
- 35.2 International Trade and Its Effects on Jobs, Wages, and Working Conditions
- 35.3 Arguments in Support of Restricting Imports
- 35.4 Trade Policy
- Chapter 35 Review
Appendix: Math Review
- A.1 Addition and Subtraction
- A.2 Multiplication and Division
- A.3 Order of Operations
- A.4 Algebraic Expressions
- A.5 Basics of Percent
- A.6 Linear Equations
- A.7 Graphing
- A.8 Calculating Area
- Appendix Review