English Composition

With emphasis on effective communication in today's changing world, English Composition takes a contextualized approach to writing instruction for students of all disciplines. As they interact with diverse texts, engaging content, and interactive practice, students learn to craft arguments and participate successfully in academic, professional, and everyday communications.

Included in the software is SmartReview, an all-in-one platform for submission and review of student writing. As an instructor tool, SmartReview offers an easy-to-navigate, customizable resource for creating, managing, and scoring writing assignments. As a student tool, it offers an organized writing space where students can submit assignments for individualized feedback from both instructors and peer reviewers.

Formats: Software, Textbook, eBook

Product ISBN
Software + eBook 978-1-944894-02-3
Software + eBook + Textbook 978-1-946158-27-7

Table of Contents

  1. Chapter 1: Why We Write
    1. 1.1 Writing Situations and Purposes
    2. 1.2 Writing to Respond
    3. 1.3 Writing to Summarize
    4. 1.4 Writing to Propose
    5. 1.5 Writing to Discuss
    6. 1.6 Writing to Describe
    7. 1.7 Writing to Argue
    8. 1.8 Writing to Analyze
    9. 1.9 Writing to Evaluate
  2. Chapter 2: Modes of Writing
    1. 2.1 Descriptive Writing
    2. 2.2 Narrative Writing
    3. 2.3 Expository Writing
    4. 2.4 Persuasive Writing
  3. Chapter 3: The Writing Process
    1. 3.1 Pre-Writing
    2. 3.2 Drafting
    3. 3.3 Revision
    4. 3.4 Peer Review
    5. 3.5 Editing
    6. 3.6 The Final Draft
  4. Chapter 4: Parts of the Essay
    1. 4.1 Common Essay Structures
    2. 4.2 The Introduction
    3. 4.3 Thesis and Purpose Statements
    4. 4.4 Body Paragraphs
    5. 4.5 Transitions
    6. 4.6 The Conclusion
  5. Chapter 5: Reading Critically
    1. 5.1 Taking Notes and Annotating Texts
    2. 5.2 Identifying the Main Idea and Supporting Details
    3. 5.3 Identifying Organizational Patterns
    4. 5.4 Understanding Purpose, Audience, and Tone
    5. 5.5 Recognizing Rhetorical Appeals
    6. 5.6 Analyzing Word Choice
    7. 5.7 Understanding the Basics of Logic
    8. 5.8 Recognizing Logical Fallacies
    9. 5.9 Evaluating Evidence
    10. 5.10 Analyzing Visuals
  6. Chapter 6: Writing Critically
    1. 6.1 Understanding an Argument
    2. 6.2 Considering Purpose and Audience
    3. 6.3 Recognizing Your Constraints
    4. 6.4 Employing Rhetorical Appeals
    5. 6.5 Using Consistent Tone
    6. 6.6 Choosing the Right Words
    7. 6.7 Using Word and Sentence Variety
    8. 6.8 Polishing an Argument
  7. Chapter 7: Research
    1. 7.1 Understanding the Research Paper
    2. 7.2 Planning and Tracking Your Research
    3. 7.3 Identifying Different Types of Sources
    4. 7.4 Evaluating the Credibility of Sources
    5. 7.5 Understanding and Avoiding Plagiarism
    6. 7.6 Integrating Sources into Your Writing
    7. 7.7 The Annotated Bibliography
    8. 7.8 Basics of MLA
    9. 7.9 Basics of APA
    10. 7.10 Basics of CMS
    11. 7.11 Basics of CSE
  8. Chapter 8: Unique Forms of Writing
    1. 8.1 Writing Across the Disciplines
    2. 8.2 Visual & Digital Arguments
    3. 8.3 Oral Presentations
    4. 8.4 Etiquette in Social Media
  9. Chapter 9: Basics of Grammar & Mechanics
    1. 9.1 Parts of Speech
    2. 9.2 The Characteristics of a Sentence
    3. 9.3 Using Commas
    4. 9.4 Using Semicolons and Colons
    5. 9.5 Using Quotation Marks, Parentheses, and Brackets
  10. Chapter 10: Grammatical Sentences
    1. 10.1 Common Sentence Errors
    2. 10.2 Using Consistent Subjects and Verbs
    3. 10.3 Using Consistent Pronouns and Antecedents
    4. 10.4 Using Correct Pronoun Reference and Case
    5. 10.5 Correcting Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers
    6. 10.6 Using Active and Passive Voice
    7. 10.7 Maintaining Consistency in Tense and Person
    8. 10.8 Using Parallelism, Coordination, and Subordination
    9. 10.9 Proofreading Sentences for Grammar